When showing push notifications from your app in advertising, display a single push notification on the lock screen of the Apple device. Be sure to select the correct localized layer for the region in which your marketing communications will appear. Status bar options are provided on different layers within the Smart Object layer.

If your app is optimized for 5G networks, you can display the 5G icon in the status bar from a compatible device. If your app runs full screen, you can extend your app screen image over the status bar. The status bar for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch should show a full network icon or product designator, a full Wi-Fi icon, and a full battery icon. For the screen content of apps that work within Apple apps, you are responsible for securing the rights and approvals for third-party content such as store names or locations. You are responsible for securing the rights to all materials used in screen content within your app, and you should display fictional account information instead of data from a real person. Don’t display a blank screen on an Apple product, or on a television screen when showcasing Apple TV. Be sure to create screens using the latest operating system version. Apps that support widgets may display this functionality in screen content as long as no third-party content is shown on the Home Screen. For apps that work within Messages, Siri, Phone, or Maps, display your app within the Apple UI exactly as it appears when your app is running. Display your app on the screen as it appears when your app is running. If your marketing contains illustrations of generic devices, ensure that these devices do not include details that are unique to Apple products, such as the iPhone Home button, sensor housing, Ring/Silent switch, or volume controls.įocus on the experience of using your app and not on Apple product functions. Graphics, illustrations, or logotypes to represent an Apple product.Decals, bumper stickers, or magnets placed on the outside of any vehicle that use an Apple product or App Store badge.

Food industry disposable packaging or promotions that use an Apple product or App Store badge.